I was born in Iowa City, Iowa, in 1969. I have B.A. from Dartmouth College in History and have participated in writing workshops at Columbia University, NYU and Marymount College. Professionally, I have worked in interior design and strategic marketing. I have two sons and live in Los Angeles with my husband and Hudson, the dog. I am at work on my first novel.
I have been well-off and I have been dirt poor. I have lived without electricity, hot water, a bed to sleep on. I have been blessed, all the while, with a very good education. I have given birth twice and I have been humbled by my body, its triumphs, its shortcomings. My mother is white and my father was black—so I have been the kid from the brown family in the white town and I have been the white girl in the black hair salon. I have worked in ice cream parlors and for media conglomerates. I have whiled away my talents, my time. I have contributed. I have worried and doubted and I have been one hundred percent sure of a thing. Like you, I have loved. I have lost. I have loved again.